Our Nursery Team
At Cairns we have an excellent non-denominational Nursery facility providing fifty morning and fifty afternoon places for Pre-School and Ante Pre- School children.
Our Nursery provides a welcoming and stimulating learning environment in which children can play and learn, developing their individual strengths and talents. In the nursery the children learn through play and investigation. A broad and balanced curriculum is provided through a variety of topics and the children’s interests. Through purposeful play experiences our children grow in confidence, build positive relationships with others, and develop their awareness of language and number. Parents and carers are encouraged to become partners in their child’s learning and become involved in the life of the nursery.
Welcome back!
We hope all our children and their families has a lovely break! We are back with a busy term ahead!
Our curricular focus for this month will be the children’s wellbeing with a focus on exploring our feelings. We have introduced daily check-in mats and the children are doing well expressing how they feel and are thinking about the reasons for their feelings. These can be used throughout the day if children’s mood changes and they are proving to be an effective visual for the children to easily express how they are feeling.
We will also be focussing on shape and colour as we enter springtime. Spring provides the perfect opportunity for the children to explore the world around them using shape and colour and we intend on making the most of our outdoor space in the coming months.