Our Aims
At Cairns Primary School we strive to create a safe and nuturing learning environment.
Culture and Ethos - We Aim to:
- To continue to promote high standards and expectations of behaviour, attitude, respect and approaches to learning among all stakeholders.
- To continue to promote an ethos of equality and fairness where everyone is valued and respected by engaging in open and honest communication and consultation.
- To promote awareness of different cultures by sharing information with all stakeholders and celebrating our differences.
- To develop the important part we play at Cairns in our Community by becoming more actively involved in our Learning Community and in the local Community in which we work and live.
Vision and Leadership - We Aim to:
- Establish our vision with all stakeholders ensuring we share our vision and regularly engage in vigorous self evaluation to assess the impact, progress and future planning for our vision on our whole school community.
- Provide more opportunities for parents to engage fully, and take an active interest in the life and work of the school.
- Develop closer links and partnerships with the parent council and involve the parent body more in the development and improvement of the school.
- Continue to develop, promote and share leadership opportunities for pupils, staff and parents to ensure all stakeholder have the opportunity to engage and participate in the development and improvement of the school.
Learning and Teaching - We Aim to:
- To continue to promote Curriculum for Excellence in all areas of the curriculum and ensure all stakeholders are familiar with the purposes and principles of CfE and have the opportunity to participate in its development at Cairns Primary.
- To raise attainment and achievement across the curriculum, especially in literacy and numeracy.
- To develop, organise and co-ordinate planners, resources and training/CPD to enhance teaching and learning with a particular focus on literacy, numeracy, health & well being, social studies RME, science and expressive arts over the 3 years, in line with CfE.
- To continue to develop approaches to assessment and moderation to ensure pace and challenge, as well as depth of learning and progression, across the curriculum.
- To develop and implement Pupil Profiles to record achievement and attainment.
- To review and modify transitions, from Early Years to P1, P7 – S1 and from stage to stage, to ensure purposeful information is shared through accurate recording of children’s achievements and progress, thus resulting in better planning and provision to ensure progression of learning for all pupils.
- To develop appropriate and useful tracking systems which allow pupils’ progress and achievements to be monitored in a purposeful way which will impact positively on planned teaching and learning experiences, leading to increased attainment and achievement for all.
- To review how we support learners at Cairns Primary to ensure we develop independent responsible and motivated learners.
Partnership - We Aim to:
- Further develop partnerships with parents, carers and other agencies providing regular and varied opportunities for them to visit our school, engage in the learning activities we are leading.
- Engage with our local community and strive to hold more ‘community’ events involving members of the community to develop and strengthen our community links.
- Create more opportunities to share our excellent work and good practice across the community with a variety of partners.
- Strengthen our links with local schools and Early Year establishments and promote positive working relationships to further enhance transitions between establishments and promote joined up working.
People - We Aim to:
- Develop Teacher Learning Community at Cairns and fully commit to the beliefs and commitment required of this initiative.
- Develop staff’s confidence in delivering CPD and provide/seek opportunities to showcase the knowledge, expertise and good practice which goes on in our school.
- Develop better links with outside agencies and business to ensure we are providing real life contexts for learning and opportunities for our pupils to engage in meaningful and purposeful learning outside the classroom as well as inside.
- Take forward and develop staff’s initial good practice established on collaborative working and create more opportunities for team teaching, planning and moderation within our own establishment and Learning Community.