Parent Council
At Cairns Primary School we have a very active and supportive Parent Council. The Parent Council is a voluntary group of parents who meet on the first Monday of every month to discuss fundraising, social events and other relevant school issues.
The Parent Council is a small, friendly & welcoming group of parents/carers that liaise directly with the school SLT, making sure parents views are represented and taken into account in school & educational matters. Below is a link giving more formal information on the role of the parent council.
We also support the school in fundraising for the kids, be it for trips, activities, equipment, leavers gifts etc.; and cover the costs for the school App, as an additional means of improving communications between the school and parents. As you will appreciate, all the normal means of raising funds are severely restricted, so we will need to think outside the box for this school year and would welcome any suggestions you can offer here.
Our Parent Council meetings take place on the first Monday of every month. We alternate between online meetings and face to face.
Chair Person – Esther Woods
If you drop us a message or email we will provide online meeting details.
As the saying goes, many hands make light work…. And we would welcome your help & support, be it as a member or a parent helper, for as little or as much time you can spare. Feel free to message us her, email us direct or chat in the playground!
For our recent Standards and Quality Report for session 2022/2023, please click the link below.
For our recent School Improvement Plan for session 2022/2023, please click the link below.